Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Making a Friend into a Boyfriend

By Alyssa Villame

Now that you are done playing around, you want to see a guy that would treat you like a real girlfriend rather than a fuck body. The problem is that you can't seem to convert your friend into someone who would like you as an actual girlfriend. Since sex was your primary event, you can't seem to get him to do other things aside from that.

But there are ways to transform your friend for benefits into a boyfriend. The one thing that you have to ascertain though is to make sure that you get the right level of self-control. You will need it in order not to give in with his request for intimacy.

You will need to shift your environment from the bedroom or house to restaurants, malls and other wholesome settings. These places will emphasize your great character rather than your booty, so to speak. Meet for coffee where you guys can talk about likes and dislikes. When he asks for you to go with him in his house, never follow through with it, instead, postponed the experience for another five or more coffee talks.

In other words, make your man labor for the sex. Do not give in to it immediately. Use his cravings to be with you in bed as a means to deceive him into a relationship. When your man really likes you, he will do everything to have you. This includes merely hanging out and talking before you actually dive into the intimacy stage.

Doing this would mean going back to the getting to know phase that you guys might have skipped when you immediately loosen up and had sex on a third date. It will be a tough experience to get him to just talk, but it will all be worth it when he finally shows some signs of yearning for a relationship. If he doesn't, then it time to throw the guy away, honey, and start an authentic dating stage with another man.

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