Friday, September 2, 2011

A Brief History: Five Millenia of Massage As An Essential Medicine

By Frank Giambagno

Although the massage therapy clinics are a relatively modern creation, the actual practice of massage goes far back in time. In fact, massage as a treatment is goes back before the building of the Great Pyramids of Egypt.

Today, for those among us who have suffered an injury, stress or suffer from physical pain, massage therapy is current and relevant practice. Here's a historical review of massage as a therapy:

3300 BC - Evidence of massage appear in Sumerian Cunieform tablets.

2598 BC - The oldest existing medical text, the Nei Ching, from China mentions massage.

2500 BC - Massage practices are documented in Egyptian hieroglyphics in the crypts of kings and depicted "animal healers" using massage techniques.

1500 BC - Evidence of massage is present in Tibet, India and China.

377 BC - The Greek doctor Hippocrates declares "A doctor must be experienced in many things but assuredly also in rubbing".

300BC-500AD - In The Roman Empire, massage was a part of bathing rituals. People who could afford it would be washed by attendants and have their stiff muscles rubbed with warm vegetable oils.

500s-1700s - The western Church bans massage for its association with "sensual pleasure".

1770 - Publication in France of the manuscript by the Jesuit Amiat, "Chinese Pressure Point Massage" which becomes the foundation for "Swedish Massage".

1813 - Per Henrik Ling establishes the Royal Gymnastic Central Institute in Stockholm, Sweden where "Swedish Massage" is developed.

1817 - First published book on massage by Cornelius E. De Puy, MD in the U. S. A.

1819 - French doctor Piorry analyzes the physiologic implications of massage.

1850's - Systematic Massaging Therapy is introduced in the USA by physician brothers George and Charles Taylor who studied in Sweden.

1863 - The French publication Du Massage documents the effects of each massage method on specific bodily systems.

1900 - Finnish College of Massage develops first system of Sports Massage, evolving from Swedish Massage system.

1916 - Swedish Institute set up in N. Y.

1927 - New York Society of Medical Massage Therapists established.

1939 - Florida State Massage Therapy Association organized.

1960s to present - Evolution of human complementary health-care, greater approval and knowledge of massage, chiropractic, acupuncture, homeopathy. Many variations and specialties of bodywork are defined.

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