Wednesday, April 27, 2011

[Owen Abroad] What to read on budget processes in developing countries?

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What to read on budget processes in developing countries?

27 April, 2011

Someone working on the budget process in a developing country contacted me with the following question:

I noticed in your most recent post you mention that you are a budget wonk. I am currently working in [the budget section of an African government] as an ODI Fellow ...  But there is no formal training and no-one who can recommend useful reading on budgeting processes. I wondered if you had a reading list on budgeting that might be helpful? This could be anything from basics to more advanced material.

There is actually a lot of material out there, but it isn't really all brought together in one place very well.  Here is what I suggested:

But perhaps I'm out of date.  What do you think an ODI fellow working on the budget process in a developing country should read?

(And is it OK that we are sending ODI Fellows to developing countries to work on the budget process without some formal training, or at least a reading list?)


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