As we progress toward Christmas (hey, I walked into the grocery store yesterday and they were wearing Santa hats, so don’t complain to me about it being too early to talk about this stuff) you’ll no doubt start to encounter festive treats such as gingerbread men.
If you’re one of the people making these cookie people, why not think outside the box? Everyone makes gingerbread men, but how many times have you come upon a ninjabread Man? Yeah, that’s what I thought. If you were to pick up a set of these awesome $9 Ninjabread Men Cookie Cutters, you’d be the hit of the office Christmas party.
You’ll want to be careful when preparing these treats. Regardless of the fact that they are cookies, you are still dealing with ninjas. You may want to take extra precautions, such as making pirate cookies as well. We all know that the only way to counter ninjas is with pirates.
[via Uberreview]
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